Booking is a popular Dutch online travel agency. It's mainly used for lodging reservations and similar travel products. It was founded 25 years ago, in Amsterdam. It currently has over 28 million listings and it's available in 43 languages.

Submitting the API request

This is sample CURL request you can use to test JustLikeAPI features.

Please make sure to replace:
- YOUR_API_KEY with the one you received from our support team
- PAGE_SPECIFIC_URL - with the endpoint of the method you're trying to invoke
- JSON payload - with the contents of your request (the sample payload for each request is given below)

curl -X POST -H 'authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' -H 'cache-control: no-cache' -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{ "propertyUrl": ""}'

Read operations

Get method will pull in reviews for platform of your choice. Reviews will be ordered by date and can include information from the code example bellow:


"dateFrom": "2018-03-10", *
"reviewLimit" : "1" **

* "dateFrom" is optional

** "reviewLimit" is optional

Base URL :

Parameter content type: application/json


    "propertyName": "Lodge Club Wyndham Dinner Plain,(...)",
    "propertyId": null,
    "location": "12 Big Muster Drive, 3898 Dinner Plain, Australia",
    "ratingValue": "8.7",
    "ratingCount": "84",
    "ratingLocation": "9.2",
    "ratingCleanliness": "8.9",
    "ratingStaff": "9.3",
    "ratingComfort": "8.8",
    "ratingFascilities": "8.7",
    "value": "8.4",
    "platform": "Booking",
    "url": "",
    "serviceStaffRating": "9.3",
    "facilitiesHotelConditionRating": "8.7",
    "wifiRating": "7.5",
    "valueForMoneyRating": "8.4",
    "reviews": [
            "reviewId": "da824e3744cdeec8",
            "reviewUrl": "",
            "customer": {
                "username": "Alexander",
                "location": "Australia",
                "level": null
            "title": "Exceptional",
            "rating": "10",
            "text": "Location, room, staff and restaurant were fantastic, would definitely stay again",
            "reviewedOn": "June 2, 2019",
            "photos": null,
            "repliedTo": null,
            "externalSource": null,
            "replies": null,
            "comments": null,
            "selfReview": null,
            "commentsCount": null,
            "reviewerPhoto": null,
            "timeOfTravel": "May 2019",
            "imageOne": null