justLikeAPI launches Swagger UI integration

Swagger UI

We are delighted to announce that we have launched Swagger UI integration!

From now on, our clients can continue to test out justLikeAPI via Swagger UI.

For those who haven't heard about the Swagger UI, it is an open source project to visually render documentation for an API defined with the OpenAPI (Swagger) Specification.

Testing out justLikeAPI via Swagger UI is quite simple, however, some relevant steps need to be taken care of from your side:

  • First, you need to login your justLikeAPI account and copy your API key,
  • Then, from this page, under the Authorize, you need to paste your API key in the following format: Bearer your-api-key,
  • After that, under the Request, you need to add the specific review URL that you want to pull reviews from, in the following format, such as; {"propertyUrl": "https://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant_Review-g28970-d13111239-Reviews-Bistro_Aracosia-Washington_DC_District_of_Columbia.html"},
  • Please don't forget to choose parameter content type as an application/json,
  • Click on Execute and wait for the response.

Once you receive the response, you can use specific review ID and perform reply on that review by using our Respond endpoint (/reviews/respond).

Hope you'll find this helpful. Looking forward to hearing your impressions regarding the newly launched Swagger UI integration!



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