

Going to see a doctor/psychologist for the very first time? Checking his/her online reviews should be the first thing on your list.

Therefore, there is no need to emphasize the importance of medical reviews.

In the times of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have witnessed a huge increase in inquiries of this kind.

Hence, JLA is giving its best to help clients from the medical industry by monitoring reviews across different platforms.

Let's explain how we do it.



Why are patient reviews so essential?

There are many reasons why you should pay attention to patients review, but let's mention the most important ones:

  • You will be able to see what others say about the doctor, his professional skills, and his attitude
  • Bad reviews have a toxic effect on doctor’s reputations and should be addressed ASAP
  • The number of reviews is a strong indicator of practitioner’s popularity
  • Analysis of reviews with poor scores can help pinpoint product improvements
  • you can analyze patient reviews not only for your own business but also for competitors

As you can tell, patients can have different opinions and it's important to take them all into consideration. It's always nice to hear compliments, but you can learn the most from your weaker spots.


Who should use this type of analysis?

JLA usually performs this analysis for the following clients:

  • Review aggregator sites – JustLikeAPI acts as a data source for many such sites
  • Digital agencies - providing services for their clients in the medical industry
  • Certification agencies – in order to check practitioner’s / clinic reputation

As you can see, everyone who works in this industry can make use of review monitoring. Regardless of whether you're a review aggregator site, certification agency, or digital agency, reviews will be useful for future improvements.


What websites can be used for review collection?

Practically, any website / social network where practitioner’s details are present. However, in most cases, we do it on highly specialized medical sites such as:

JLA is currently able to scrape reviews from many platforms. Some of the existing platforms are already related to the food industry, but if you express the need to scrape something else, there would be no problem.


What fields can be collected for review analysis?

JLA can capture any piece of data shown in the browser, but typically these are:

  • Practitioner’s name
  • Qualifications / certifications
  • Years in business
  • Total number of reviews
  • Average review score
  • Review author-name
  • Review date
  • Individual review score
  • Review title
  • Review body
  • Physical address
  • Phone
  • Email, if shown

These fields can of course be arranged according to your needs. Therefore, the information that you'll receive can be totally customizable.

The list of platforms that we’re covering is getting bigger every day, so we invite you to check it out. We're also providing a 14-day free trial so we believe you’ll have enough time to test whether JLA fulfills your needs.

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to reach out at